Thursday 1 September 2011

3# - Trixie - (LightNSFW)

Yep guys, my favorite "Villian" in the series, Trixie. Hope you like the pics, I have lots of them this time 'round. (This article is LightNSFW, for some suggestive content).
"Behold me! For the very wind obeys Trixies will!"
I don't think you'll learn any magic, but interesting things anyway... (This is a cool art style by the way.)
Is it luna or trixie? I CAN'T TELL!
The Great and Powerful Trixie SHALT CONCENTRATE-A-MA-NATE
I got the magic in me! Every time I touch that track it TURNS into gold! Everpony knows I got the MAGIC!
Trixie MYTHICAL origins.
They are so cute together.
Trixie is so cute :D

Shipping of the day
Yep, Trixie X Twilight. This section is why this is rated; "LightNSFW", just giving you the heads up.
Some picture this is... and that my friends is Twilight x Trixie.
Even Cheerilee's picture contains Trixie.

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